Organisations the world over are only as good as the team of people working within that business. The success of the business is driven by the performance everyone. Ultimately the managers that drive that performance are responsible. However, many of the conversations I have with managers on development programmes are about how they can put in to context “What good looks like?”. They seem to fall in to a trap of not delegating soon enough and hindering the development of within teams. 

Recently when working with a great group of aspiring managers taking part in a “Stepping in to Managment” development programme. Working through a model that looked at the development of individuals and how best to manage them at various stages. Diagnosing development needs was a new concept for them and there were many light bulb moments through out the day. 

What does good performance look like?

Good, this happens in a lot of organisations we work with, is described as “The way I do it”. It is always what the finished article looks like. Some managers hold a very traditional view of how the task should be completed, modelled on how it has always been completed in the past. Some managers will be able to example what good looks like as they can point it out in the people who are already exampling best practice. Most claim to be able to recognise when they see it but find it hard to articulate exactly what “it” is. 

Here are some thought on how to determine What Good Looks Like…

  • Document and describe the important elements of the task, identify what contributes to the task being completed to a satisfactory level.
  • Define positive and negative performance indicators that allow both the manager and individual to assess where they are at for the task.
  • Does the individual reflect the companies values and competencies in the task they are completing?
  • Can they describe to you what good would look like in the completed task?

What Happens Next?

We should take time to remember that once someone can perform a task to the standard needed, they can show you what good looks like, from then on they will make the task their own. The biggest thing that managers, especially those that have been responsible for completing the task in the past, need to do is to let go. Individuals competing a task need the autonomy to be able to go away and complete the task. They can change the process and make it their own, and thats ok. 

High Performing Teams 

A High Performing Culture, or High Performing Team, are terms used a lot when discussing performance with managers and leaders. Basically a High Performing individual is someone that goes the extra mile and does a fantastic job. They work autonomously and are valued for the contribution they make to the business growth and success. 

Do you have High Performing Teams, or individuals? Could you be holding them back from jumping forward?

Take a look at our blog around S.M.A.R.T Goal setting here