Insights Discovery is the “re-discovery of yourself”.
The journey toward self-awareness has begun. After going through certain everyday experiences that led to learning, adapting to the environment, and growing, you might have noticed that you’re changing more slowly than your previous self. This change may be favourable after a happy experience in life and negative after a traumatic one.
The biggest evidence of the fact that you’re changing is you saying to yourself, friends, colleagues or relatives some common phrases like “Childhood was the best era of life; school age was better than college age “etc.
That’s Insights Discovery all about and time to re-discover yourself.
Softly speaking, “It’s journey to self-awareness with people understanding the changes in themselves, in other people and making their qualities, abilities to 100% effective”.
This psychometric model is based on theory proposed by Swiss Psychologist Carl Jung and one of his students Dr Jolande Jacobi.
They proposed that individual personality arises from interaction between two attitudes and four functions. Attitudes are “Introversion and Extroversion” while functions can be rational (feeling & thinking) and irrational intuition and sensation.
Thus, personalities result from balance in four Colour Energies (Cool Blue, Earth Green, Fiery Red, Sunshine Yellow).
And colours are measured by four frames/sets of 25 questions that generate Insights Discovery Profile that includes individual weaknesses, strengths, communication skills, approach to solving problems and reacting to different life scenarios.
Insights Discovery helps people understand themselves, their colleagues in working environment so that they can have positive, respectful and healthy relationship with each other resulting in ideal working circumstances and productive outcomes.
Everyone has questions in the mind that how is it possible to generate accurate Insights Discovery Profile by using 25 sets of Questions? Is it valid? Is it reliable?
The University of Westminster Business Psychology Centre performed a Research study on Insights Discovery Evaluator (IDE).
IDE is based on 25 frames in which out of each frame an individual chooses from choice of “four words pairs (colours)”, a most (score of 6), a least (score 0) and other two with score of 1-5. Each of the colour is associated with certain qualities of individual preference. Higher the colour score, more that individual will be inclined to that sets of qualities and vice versa.
The obtained statistical data was used to study the Insights discovery’s:
- Validity:
It means “what evaluator actually measures and how well it measures).
- Construct validity
- Predictive validity (degree of predicting individual performance in future)
- Concurrent validity (in this comparison with any other tests is done)
- Reliability:
It has two meanings;
- Temporal stability (having consistent results over period of time)
- Consistency (each item(question) in evaluation scores consistently)
- Norm Data:
- It actually is for reference/comparison for attributes/measures to be determined.
- Item Analysis:
- This term means; “as there are 100 Questions in 25 frames to generate Personality profile, weaker questions are replaced by better one. For example; upbeat and hopeful is replaced by expressive and hopeful so that more people can relate to”.
“We can strongly conclude as evident from the research that four colour measurements from Insights Discovery Evaluation are valid, accurate and reliable. Thus, Carl Jung’s psychometric theory has psychological and modern scientific application”.