22 01, 2018

Developing Emotional Intelligence – Part 5 – Assertiveness

By |2023-05-18T16:16:40+01:00January 22nd, 2018|Assertiveness, Belief, Emotional Intelligence, Engagement, Happiness, High Performance Culture, Leadership, Management, Networking, Organisational Culture, Organisational Happiness, Organisational Performance, Passion, Presenting|Comments Off on Developing Emotional Intelligence – Part 5 – Assertiveness

This blog is part of a series of blogs where we explore Emotional Intelligence. We will look at ways to be able to develop and enhance our own perceived levels of Emotional Intelligence. What is Emotional Intelligence? To gain a greater understanding you can read a previous blog What is Emotional Intelligence and How Can I develop it, for more detail. Here’s a little detail to get this blog going, Emotional intelligence is all about how well you understand your own emotions and the emotions of others, and the ability to identify and manage them. Emotional Intelligence, also known [...]

11 01, 2012

Networking Hints and Tips

By |2022-09-15T10:51:34+01:00January 11th, 2012|Networking|Comments Off on Networking Hints and Tips

You are probably familiar with networking and sometime have just had a little too much of it. Turning up at a networking event can be hard and then what do you do with the information after. Here are some handy hints that will help you through. 1 Everyone is in the same boat Arriving at a networking event can be really daunting and speaking to someone could look like one of the biggest tasks you will ever have to do. That said some people just do it naturally and breeze through the room. Remember that everyone is there for [...]

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